Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
Although the metabolic component of cancer cells – their use of fuel to produce energy (ATP) – is very important, it is not the only aspect of cancer we must address. We also know that there is an electromagnetic component to our cells as well. Our whole body, in fact, emits its own electromagnetic field. Each individual cell in our body has its own frequency or resonance, that it needs in order to function properly.
There is a theory that posits when a cell’s resonance is thrown off as result of the myriad of electromagnetic exposures, such as cell phones, WiFi signals, microwaves, or computers, or via toxic exposures in our environment (i.e., chemicals in our food, water, air, etc.), or even emotional stressors, it can trigger abnormal cellular behavior. If this abnormal cellular behavior is allowed to persist, cancer develops.
The Importance of Cellular Resonance in Cancer
Cancer cells have been shown to have an abnormal resonance that differs from normal, healthy cells. Research in the 1930s by Dr. Harold Saxon Burr, an anatomy professor at the Yale University School of Medicine, found that tumors have different electrical properties than normal tissue, and that the appearance of cancer in mice occurred after a measurable change in the organism’s electromagnetic field. This supports the metabolic theory of cancer, and how cancer develops as a result of abnormal stressors at the cellular level, and not abnormal genetics per se.
Jerry Tennant, MD, a prominent researcher in the field of electromagnetics and health, states that human cells are designed to function at approximately -20 millivolts (mV). Interestingly, this corresponds to a pH of 7.35-7.4, which we know is within the body’s narrow pH range. As this voltage decreases, as a result of various insults to cells, the cell’s physiology changes for the worse. When a cell does not function properly, it is not able to take in nutrients, nor is it able to eliminate waste. Continued unchecked, these cells are at significantly increased risk of becoming cancerous.

PEMF and Cancer
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, abbreviated PEMF, is a very simple, painless, and non-invasive way to address abnormal resonance in cancer cells. In addition, PEMF has been shown to assist in making cell membranes more permeable. An excellent study reviewed the available evidence for PEMF’s effectiveness, and the study authors noted that PEMF is safe and non-invasive, as well as being non-toxic to healthy cells.
While studies on human cancer cells, as well as in animals with cancer, have been encouraging, studies in human patients have been limited. However, we do have some smaller studies which found PEMF to be beneficial for a variety of cancer types.
PEMF in Use
A PEMF treatment involves simply lying down on a therapy pad that is plugged into a piece of equipment that generates steady, rhythmic pulses that the patient rarely feels. The strength and frequency of the pulses can be adjusted, depending on the patient’s specific diagnosis. The intent is to bring any abnormal cellular resonance back into balance.
Although more research needs to be done, with PEMF we have a therapy which has scientific backing for its effectiveness, which selectively harms cancer cells and not healthy cells, and does not seem to cause any notable side effects. We use it as part of many of our treatment protocols.