How to Find a Cancer Doctor

It can be shocking and scary to hear, “You have cancer.” That said, there are things you can do to equip yourself with the best healthcare team for you. Knowing what to look for in a doctor, knowing what types of treatments are available, and knowing what questions to ask is critical for each and every cancer patient to obtain the very best support through their treatment.

Traditionally, oncologists have stuck to the orthodox treatments for cancer including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation for managing a patient’s disease. While some oncologists continue this trend, others are exploring and utilizing a more integrative approach to cancer treatments.

Integrative oncologists recognize all aspects of healthcare that may be helpful to their patients including modern medicine along with a more holistic approach to care which can include immune support, nutrition, mental, and spiritual care, to name a few. It is a best of both worlds approach to developing a cancer treatment plan, as it balances treatment effectiveness with the overall health of the body. I feel we should not have to sacrifice one for the other.

Your Healthcare Team

An integrative approach to developing a treatment plan

Traits and attributes you should look for in a cancer doctor

1. They possess a thorough understanding of the body’s biochemistry and physiology.

  • It is important to have a background in various disciplines to understand how they are all connected in order to best help their patient.
  • MD Award: They must choose a specialty. Oncologists must do three years of residency in internal medicine.
  • Advanced Oncology/Specialization in cancer treatment.
  • Obtain necessary advanced fellowship training and experience in the treatment of cancer.

Other healthcare providers such as naturopaths, chiropractors, acupuncturists, nutritionists are also important to add to your healthcare team. While all of these healthcare practitioners provide valuable treatment modalities, I do not recommend that they are utilized as your primary care management team. These are integrative approaches and should be used with a proper primary approach to treatment.

2. They listen to you. In healthcare today, it is unfortunate that most physicians are diagnosis/treatment focused, not patient-focused. While it is critical for a physician to have excellent diagnostic and treatment-providing skills, the patient-focused physician goes a step beyond in a way that honors, respects and values each patient. For them, the patient’s needs are the most important thing when approaching their treatment.

Ways you can determine if your physician is patient-focused include observing if:

  • They ask, “How are you doing?” or “How are you feeling?”
  • Any concerns you address are heard. You are not interrupted.
  • They ask you about your treatment goals.
  • Their treatment recommendations are clearly communicated and thoroughly explained.
  • You are given an opportunity to share your thoughts.
  • They allow time to have all of your questions answered.
  • They provide respectful dialogue. The days of doctor-dominated conversation are over. They do not talk over or interrupt you.
  • They support you in receiving the treatment you prefer which best meets your needs and wants.

3. They obtain advanced lab testing. One of the best ways to monitor cancer treatment effectiveness is through lab testing. That said, remember that lab tests, while important, should not be our only way to evaluate cancer. Tumor marker testing – blood tests ordered when cancer is first diagnosed. Imaging also provides important information regarding treatment response.

Types of advanced lab tests include:

  • Cancer Profile/CA Profile (American Metabolic Labs in Florida): Looks at innovative lab markers to monitor cancer.
  • Caris Molecular Intelligence Test (I use routinely): Looks at the genetics of a tissue sample from a biopsy or surgery.

4. They show genuine compassion. You will need their compassion, devotion, and support during treatment.

Things you can look for include:

  • They show you their human side.
  • They show you they are truly invested in your best care.
  • They view and treat their patients like family.
  • They show empathy and have good personal skills.
  • They recognize and validate a patient’s feelings and emotions
  • They express to you that they are your advocate.

Questions to consider:

  • How much does your doctor know about you?
  • Do they know where you grew up? Where are you from?
  • Have they asked about your spouse, family, children, loved ones?
  • Do they know about your hobbies and interests?
  • Do they know about your religious beliefs?

5. They have the ability to create personalized treatment protocols. Traditional oncology can have a one-size fits all approach to treatment. I feel that approaching cancer treatments with a ‘type of cancer = this specific treatment’ without taking other factors into consideration is a mistake. This approach, in general, is not going to be nearly as successful as seeing each patient as an individual simply because each patient is different. There are many different factors that create the need for an individual approach to cancer treatments.

Some of these include:

  • Genetics
  • Toxic exposure
  • Nutrition
  • Unique anatomy
  • Preexisting medical conditions
  • Medications
  • Biochemistry and physiology
  • Stressors

6. Understands the importance of nutrition. Unfortunately, so many oncologists do not recognize the value of proper nutrition in relation to a solid cancer treatment plan. Your doctor should consider nutrition part of the critical foundation for a good cancer treatment protocol.

Using nutrition, you can:

  • Provide critical nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Eliminate food items that may inhibit proper healing.

7. Tends to your spiritual needs. There is evidence showing that patients who have a spiritual practice have better outcomes than those who do not. Spiritual practice should be seen by your physician as a meaningful part of your cancer treatment journey. They should encourage a spiritual practice that brings you hope and peace.

8. Recognizes the importance of a good support system. Cancer treatment requires lots of support from friends and family. It is not something that should be approached alone. It is ideal for all cancer patients to have at least one advocate, whether it be a partner, parent, sibling, adult child, relative, or friend.

An effective advocate will:

  • Accompany you to appointments
  • Spend time with you
  • Provide emotional support
  • Listen to your concerns, hopes, and fears
  • Celebrate your successes

9. Has a follow-up plan. Monitoring patients post-treatment is critical in a long-term cancer treatment plan. Therapies that have been effective may stop working over time.

Follow-up plans can include:

  • Tumor marker lab tests which reflect the activity of cancer cells.
  • Imaging such as PET scans, MRI, CT, x-rays, and/or ultrasounds. The risk vs. benefits of radiation exposure must be weighed against the need to view these images.
  • Follow-up testing through the Research Genetic Cancer Centre. This can be used both for obtaining a baseline level of circulating tumor cells and also to monitor changes in these cells in response to the integrative therapies being used.


Today’s cancer treatments can, and should, include an integrative approach to developing a treatment plan for patients. Integrative oncology can include many treatment options, from fundamental aspects like nutrition, stress, mental and spiritual health, to innovative treatments like fractionated chemotherapy (low-dose chemo), IPT (insulin potentiation therapy), and IVC (high-dose intravenous vitamin c).

As Sir William Osler stated — and this is one of my guiding principles: “The good physician treats the disease. The great physician treats the patient who has the disease.”


Integrative Oncology Reimagined

Dr. Jonathan Stegall extends a comprehensive suite of treatment solutions, encompassing both traditional and innovative approaches to oncology. The priority lies in empowering patients to seize control over their health, steering their journey towards healing, and achieving the pinnacle of integrative cancer care. Integrating both conventional and alternative therapies, the practice is designed to tailor a unique path for each individual, emphasizing personalization, evidence, and ethics, all while changing the way cancer treatment is approached and administered.

Dose Matters

Low Dose Chemotherapy continues to be a force for treatment evolution in Oncology. Dose defines the difference between medicine and poison, help or harm.

Mind-Body Medicine

Modern studies continue to illuminate the complex and powerful role that the mind plays in immunomodulation and inflammation regulation

Scientists have been questioning the “more is better” approach to chemotherapy for quite some time. The way we use chemo differs dramatically from conventional oncology. There are several distinct advantages to this approach of giving smaller doses more often.

Insulin potentiation therapy, or IPT, affects the metabolism of cancer cells, making them more sensitive to chemotherapy agents (thus the reason for using significantly less chemotherapy). While we do not think it is appropriate for everyone, it can be an option for patients who have either failed full-dose chemotherapy previously, are not candidates for full-dose chemotherapy or who prefer to try a gentler and safer approach. Learn More


The lymphatic system plays a key role in the immune system’s ability to do its job, while also helping the body’s detoxification efforts. Lymphatic drainage therapy aims to address lymphatic congestion so that the lymphatic system can work optimally. Learn More


We know there is a real connection between our thoughts and emotions and our immune system. But what about cancer? Harnessing the power of the mind has significant therapeutic implications when fighting cancer. It turns out that our mental and emotional state can impact cancer treatment. Learn More


Viscum (the genus that mistletoe belongs to) use for cancer is mentioned in the literate starting in the early 1900s. Dr. Ita Wegman around 1920 first developed its use as an injectable agent for cancer. Research has subsequently shown that Viscum has several notable effects. Learn More

Research supports the importance of nutrition as it relates to cancer, but unfortunately most oncologists don’t incorporate it into their treatment recommendations. We are changing that.

Did you know that there are medications other than chemotherapy which have shown promise as anticancer agents? Such medications were approved for a non-cancer indication, but found in subsequent research to target cancer cells in a unique way. In an effort to target cancer as thoroughly as possible, we willingly utilize some of these medications in our treatment protocols. Because they are not FDA approved to treat cancer, we are using them in repurposed fashion. Repurposing medications entails using them in “off-label” fashion for a use which is separate from its FDA approved indication. Learn More


Cancer cells have been shown to have an abnormal resonance that differs from normal, healthy cells. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) is a simple, painless, and non-invasive way to address abnormal resonance in cancer cells. In addition, PEMF has been shown to assist in making cell membranes more permeable. Learn More


Sono-photodynamic therapy, or SPDT, combines sound (sono) and light (photo) to target cancer cells. A sensitizing agent is infused, which collects inside cancer cells and make them susceptible to specific frequencies of sound and wavelengths of light. These non-toxic treatments harm cancer cells by creating reactive oxygen species (ROS). Learn More



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